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Scaredy Cats
— A True & Really Funny Story —

Only $3

Scaredy Cats:
My Life Tales,
Short Story Volume 2.
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Scaredy Cats Short Description

What could happen when four boys go hunting under an old oak tree in Aunt Martha's backyard?... Well, almost anything, especially if you live in the country. But these young ones never expected to encounter and have their tails frightened off by...

You'll have a great laugh and find out who the scarediest cat of them all was or still is when you read this tale.

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"Scaredy Cats."

Scaredy Cats Full Description:

You might think that this true story didn't really happen to my best friend Rusty, my brother Johnathan, cousin Chris, and me because of how outlandish it is, but I assure it did, pinkie swear.

Have you ever heard of the butterfly effect?

Well, that's exactly what happened here. One thing lead to another and suddenly we were going to be lunch.
One fateful night, all of us decided to go to my favorite old oak tree that refused to die, and we began hunting, playing inside and around it. But little did we know that our tales were in trouble, deadly trouble.

You'll have a great laugh and find out who scarediest cat of them all was or still is the as you listen to me tell you our funny-scary tale.