The Machine(The Election Data Can Be Altered Or Exploitated Whether The Machines Are Offline Or Online)

Inside The Machine

Current Date:

Current Time:

Democrat: 0

Republican: 0

Total Votes: 0

Hidden (Disguised) Dirty Voter Roll Database
used by the machine's fraud algorithm to know how many illegally or fraudulently registered voters are available to add to the selected party's vote count and that can be covered up by external election fraud methods such as with illegal or fraudulent ballots under the name of an illegally or fraudulently registered voter.

Hidden (Disguised) Data, Code, Algorithm(s), Program(s), Software
for committing voter fraud.

Hidden (Disguised) Computer Chips, Modems, Ports, Devices, And Any Other Hardware
for committing voter fraud.

The Software Update Has Erased:
The Election Fraud Algorithm And The Hidden (Disguised) Dirty Voter Roll Database, Database(s), Data, Code, Algorithms, Program(s), Software Used To Steal The Election. Now There Is No Trace Of Election Data Manipulation, Election Fraud, Election Crime Within The Machine.

External USB / Computer / Device

External Election Data Storage Transfer Device (USB / SSD / etc.) From Machine or The Machine/Election Electronics (electronic poll pads (books), tabulators, election management systems, voter databases, etc.)

Computer/Server/Device Connected To Internet And, Or Wireless, Cellular Network (Such As FirstNet) To Transfer Election Data, Results To Any System

Fraud Algorithm Control Interface

This interface, the fraud algorithm, and tons of other things could be coded, programmed, written in the software of the machine when the machine's code is initially developed, coded, written; or when the machine's software, code is being directly or indirectly modified or updated; or could be sideloaded, uploaded with usb or some other device; or could be uploaded through a visible or hidden chip, modem, or hardware within the machine containing software that allows any device (computer, etc.) to connect to the machine through a wireless network, cellular network, or some other network connection, or to connect to the machine directly through the internet if the machine is connected to the internet, or through the building's electrical wire grid that the machine is connected to. When the machine is turned on it could alert a nefarious character who connect to the machine and upload the fraud algorithm or alter the machine's data.

Current Date:

Current Time:

Select Who You Want To Win:

Select Method To Win By:

Select Fraud Algorithm Activation Method:

When the Time Activation (fraud algorithm activation method) is selected, the fraud algorithm will execute at the date and time that was inputed in the month, date (day of the month), hour, minute, second inputs if the selected party is losing (the selected party has less votes than the unselected party).

For the month: input a number from 0 - 11 (0 = Jan to Decemember = 11 according to how javascript identifies the months). For date (day of the month): input a number from 1 to 31 (1 is the 1st day of the month). The time is in 24-hour format: for hour: input a number from 0 to 23 (0 = 12 am to 23 = 11 pm), for minute: input a number from 0 to 59, for second: input a number from 0 - 59. Recommendation input todays date according the number ranges described just above and input a time that is less than or equal to 5 minutes from the current time so that you will have time so that you have time to increase the democrate and republican votes such that the party you selected is losing if you haven't done that already and you don't have to wait that long for the fraud algorithm to be executed. You don't have to input the year because the year is already set for the current year to make things a little easier.

Example: If the current day (today's date) was 10/23/2023 (October 23, 2023) and the current time is 1:20 pm. You could: for the month input 9 (which is October according to javascript), for the date input 23 (23rd day of the month), for the hour input 13 (which is 1 pm in 24-hour format), for the minute input 25 (which is 25 minutes), for second input 0. When the time activation inputed date and time (month: 9, date: 23, hour: 13, minute: 25, second: 0) is equal to the current date and time, the fraud algorithm will activate and adjust the votes and add or remove ballot images to make the selected party win if the selected party is losing; so if the selected party is democrat and the democrat is losing, the fraud algorithm with make the democrat party win. If the selected party is republican and the republican party is losing, the fraud algorithm will make the republican party win.

If you need more help concerning each date and time input element, click the question mark that is close to it and more information on that specific input element will be shown.

Input Month, Date, & Time You Want The Fraud Algorithm To Activate:
(0 = Jan for month; 1 = day 1 of month; time is in 24-hour time format)

For Month: input the number: 0 for Jan, 1 for Feb, 2 for Mar, 3 for Apr, 4 for May, 5 for Jun, 6 for Jul, 7 for Aug, 8 for Sep, 9 for Oct, 10 for Nov, 11 for Dec.

Input Month:

Error: not a valid number for month. Input a number from 0 to 11. 0 for Jan, 1 for Feb, 2 for Mar, 3 for Apr, 4 for May, 5 for Jun, 6 for Jul, 7 for Aug, 8 for Sep, 9 for Oct, 10 for Nov, 11 for Dec.

For Date: input the number of the day of the month: from 1 to 31.

Input Date:

Error: not a valid number for date. Input a number from 1 to 31.

For Hour: input a number from 0 to 23: 0 for 12am, 1 for 1am, 2 for 2am, 3 for 3am, 4 for 4am, 5 for 5am, 6 for 6am, 7 for 7am, 8 for 8am, 9 for 9am, 10 for 10am, 11 for 11am, 12 for 12pm, 13 for 1pm, 14 for 2pm, 15 for 3pm, 16 for 4pm, 17 for 5pm, 18 for 6pm, 19 for 7pm, 20 for 8pm, 21 for 9pm, 22 for 10pm, 23 for 11pm.

Input Hour:

Error: not a valid number for hour. Input a number from 0 to 23. 0 for 12am, 1 for 1am, 2 for 2am, 3 for 3am, 4 for 4am, 5 for 5am, 6 for 6am, 7 for 7am, 8 for 8am, 9 for 9am, 10 for 10am, 11 for 11am, 12 for 12pm, 13 for 1pm, 14 for 2pm, 15 for 3pm, 16 for 4pm, 17 for 5pm, 18 for 6pm, 19 for 7pm, 20 for 8pm, 21 for 9pm, 22 for 10pm, 23 for 11pm.

For Minute: input a number: from 0 to 59.

Input Minute:

Error: not a valid number minute. Input a number from 0 to 59.

For Second: input a number: from 0 to 59.

Input Second:

Error: not a valid number second. Input a number from 0 to 59.

When the Power Off Activation (fraud algorithm activation method) is selected, the fraud algorithm will activate when the machine's power is on (represented by the power symbol being red) and the "Power" button is clicked (pressed) and adjust the votes and add or remove ballot images to make the selected party win if the selected party is losing.
When the Shutdown Machine Activation (fraud algorithm activation method) is selected, the fraud algorithm will activate when the machine's power is on (represented by the power symbol being red) and the "Shutdown Machine" button is clicked (pressed) and adjust the votes and add or remove ballot images to make the selected party win if the selected party is losing.
When the Eject Election Data Storage Device Activation (fraud algorithm activation method) is selected, the fraud algorithm will activate when the machine's power is on (represented by the power symbol being red) and the "Eject External Election Data Storage Transfer Device" button is clicked (pressed) and adjust the votes and add or remove ballot images to make the selected party win if the selected party is losing.
When the Connect USB Computer Device To The Machine To Illegally Change Election Data Activation (fraud algorithm activation method) is selected, the fraud algorithm will activate when the machine's power is on (represented by the power symbol being red) and the button "Connect USB, Computer, Or Device To The Machine To Illegally Change Election Data In The Machine And Store It In The USB, Computer, Or Device To Connect To Internet Or Wireless, Cellular Network (such as FirstNet) To Transfer Election Data, Results To Any System" is clicked (pressed) and adjust the votes and add or remove ballot images to make the selected party win if the selected party is losing.
When the Enable All Activation Methods (fraud algorithm activation method) is selected, the fraud algorithm will activate if the date and time inputed for "Time Activation" is equal to the current date and time (today's date and time), or if the "Power" button or "Shutdown Machine" button or "Eject Election Data Storage Device Activation" button or the "Connect USB, Computer, Or Device To The Machine To Illegally Change Election Data In The Machine And Store It In The USB, Computer, Or Device To Connect To Internet Or Wireless, Cellular Network (such as FirstNet) To Transfer Election Data, Results To Any System" button is clicked (pressed) when the machine's power is on (represented by the power symbol being red) and adjust the votes and add or remove ballot images to make the selected party win if the selected party is losing.

Instructions, Data Information Needed To Cover Up The Machine Fraud Algorithm Vote Manipulation

Ways To Transmit The Instructions, Data, Information

The election fraud algorithm, code, software could automatically create and write (save) the instructions, data, information, and anything else needed to cover up the election fraud (crime) to the "Election Data Storage Device," or a USB flash drive or some other device or piece of hardware that is within or inserted into the machine. And when the device, hardware containing the election data is connected to a system that is connected to the internet, it could be accessed by anyone who knows how to access it and who needs the information in it in order to cover up the election fraud, crime. Even if the device, hardware containing this data is not connected to the internet at anytime, someone could connect it to a computer or someother device and read, retrieve the information and use it themeselves or contact someone (or several) by cell phone or some other method who will use it to figure out what has to be done to try to cover up the election fraud, crime.

With today's technology, it could be possible for the machine to produce a signal that only certain individuals know how to access and retrieve the information from the machine that is needed in order to try to cover up the election fraud or it could be possible to retrieve the information by some other means.

After The Instructions, Data, Information Is Obtained

Once the conspirator(s) obtain the the instructions, data, information, the conspirator(s) can figure out how to perpetrate the election crime and, or cover up the election crime; and then the traitors of We The People's Constitution, Our Individual State's Constitutions, Our Constitutional Republic, begin or finish (committing treason) implementing their plans to commit election crime and, or cover up the election crime such as adding illegal ballots and, or fraudulent ballots for the selected party to win and, or get rid of legal, non-fraudalent ballots of their opposition by hiding them, throwing them in the trash, burning them, spoiling (ruining) them, or in some other way to make the selected party win. And the election fraud algorithm, code, software within the machine could overwrite itself and remove any trace of the election crime or some could update the software to delete, remove the election fraud algorith and any code or software related to or involved in the election crime, and any other evidence of the election crime within the machine.

Data Produced By This Machine Election Fraud Algorithm, Code, Software

Original Democrat Votes:

Original Republican Votes:

Original Total Votes:

Machine Fraud Algorithm Assigned Democrat Votes:

Machine Fraud Algorithm Assigned Republican Votes:

Machine Fraud Algorithm Assigned Total Votes:

Democrat Ballots To Add:

Republican Ballots to Add:

Democrat Ballots To Get Rid Of:

Republican Ballots To Get Rid Of:

How To Cover Up The Machine Election Fraud Algorithm Vote Manipulation

On Election Day,
you (the conspirator(s) and coconspirator(s)) could make up some reason or make something happen to trick, convince, get, or force people to stop counting votes and go home. After every one, except for you and your collaborators (the traitors) could scan or count illegal or fraudulent ballots (that they have created or that have been created for them and delivered to them) until you have the number of ballots to cover up the number of votes the machine fraud algorithm added for, to the selected party to win, and then get rid of enough legal, non-fraudulent opposing party ballots by putting them a vehicle and then taking them away to some inconspicuous location and destroy them (to cover up the number of votes the machine fraud algorithm took away from the party they didn't want to win). Or get rid of them some other way.

Based on this machine election fraud algorithm vote manipulation, the conspirator(s) and coconspirator(s) — traitor(s) have to:

If the machine election fraud algorithm did not automatically overwrite, delete itself and all the evidence of the election crime within the machine, someone will have to update the software or use some other method to overwrite, delete all the evidence of the election crime within the machine to prevent anyone who gets permission to look inside the machine from finding any evidence (of election fraud, crime).

We can agree to disagree about many things and our wants are different. But Everyone should agree that we must secure our elections; Everyone should want citizen auditable, honest, fair, and secure elections. Because if the elections are not citizen, transparent, honest, fair, and secure, then We The People are not free, we are subjects, serfs, slaves to who ever selects the candidate(s) by manipulating, interfering in, stealing the election in any way whether we realize it or not. Every time the power-hungry-perpetrators get away with it, they will be embolden even more to do it again and again. Those traitors to We The People do not have our best interest in mind—they only have their on interest, their own agenda, in mind. They want complete power and control over us. And since they were willing to do whatever it takes to make sure the selected candidates win, be sure that they wont hesitate to do whatever it takes to hold on to their power, keep control, keep us under their thumb, and that wont bode well for anyone. The people that benefits from the selection, election crime, wont benefit from it for long, because the methods used to steal, manipulate, interfere with the election(s); and that they employ to usurp, infringe upon, and even deny Our God-given Freedoms, Our Indivdidual Rights, That Are Affirmed By Our Republics United States Constitution Of America And Our State's Constitutions; and that they use to usurp, get around, twist, and try to break The Constitution and Our Constitutional Laws, State Laws, and Local Laws will be their own demise because their methods will eventually be used against them, especially when they do something the current totalitarian-marxist-facist-deepstate-adminstrativestate-biggov-leftist-globalist-transhumanist-socialist-communist-humanist-atheist-tyrannical regime and dictator(s) doesn't like, or disagrees with the dictactor and his regime in any way, or doesn't entirelly obey everything the dictator and his regime command them to do, and they will be ruled over with an iron fist and will eventually, if not immediately, have their privileges and alloted freedoms taken away, and they will experience condemnation, ridcule, hardships, loss, and other forms of persecution, and even death just like everyone else who tried to stop the evil from taking over and who continue to stand against the evil; and they will realize that they have been subjects, serfs, slaves the entire time. totalitarian-marxist-facist-deepstate-adminstrativestate-biggov-leftist-globalist-transhumanist-socialist-communist-humanist-atheist-tyrannical regimes and their dictator(s) can make the law of the land whatever they want it to be, they can change it at their will at any time, and require you to follow it while not following it themselves.

If you look at history with open eyes and open minds you will see the truth that totalitarian-marxist-facist-deepstate-adminstrativestate-biggov-leftist-globalist-transhumanist-socialist-communist-humanist-atheist-tyrannical regimes and dictator(s) have done more evil, horrible, wicked things; tortured, raped, pileged, and murdered more people than any other country, system, religion, or group of people in the entire world from the very beginning man entered this world.

They will immediately or will eventually deny the existence of the One Triune God and will try to convice or force everyone to do the same so that they can try to replace God's absolute truth, God's Bible, what God says is right and wrong, with their own ideas, their own non-absolute truths in order to try to justify taking away your God-given idividual freedoms and to try to justify all their other evil actions, deeds.

Please open your eyes, ears, heart, and mind and stand up for, speak up for, peacefully demand and fight for citizen auditable, transparent, honest, fair, and secure elections because We The People must be the ones electing our presidents, senators, representatives, and etc. and hold them accountable. We The People must regain and perserve Our God-given Individual Freedoms, Our Republic's Constitution, our States' Constitutions, Our Rights for ourselves and future generations—Securing Our Elections Is A Step In The Right Direction.

We Must Get Our Federal Government, States, Counties To:

  1. Have Honest, trustable, Unmanipulated, And Fair Elections
    (We must have honest, trustable, and fair elections because if we don't, we don't live in a free country—we live totalitarian-marxist-facist-deepstate-adminstrativestate-biggov-leftist-globalist-transhumanist-socialist-communist-humanist-atheist-tyrannical regime directed by a dictator or group of dictators, or some other tyrannical entity or tyrannical entities.)
  2. Election Data, Election Results, Reported From Precinct Level Upward By Phone
    (Election Data, Election Results are reported by humans by voice by phone (or smart phone) from each precinct to their county, and then from each county to the state, and then from each state to the federal government. No Sending, No Reporting, Election Data, Election Results, By Way Of internet, wireless network, cellular network, or any other electronic network.)
  3. Get Rid Of The Machines
    (We must not use any machines to count, tabulent, or transmit voting data.)
  4. Legal Citizen Show Legal Citizen ID, Citizen Driver License To Vote
    (We must require everyone to show a legal ID that verifies that they are a legal citizen of the United States and the State they reside in.)
  5. Only Count Legal Votes(We must insure only legal votes are counted.)
  6. Use Only Hand Marked Paper Ballots
    (We must use only official, paper ballots that voters mark by hand.)
  7. One Day Vote
    (We must go back to one day voting.)
  8. One Vote
    (We must insure registered voters only vote 1 and that their vote fully counted only once.)
  9. No Fractional Vote
    (We must insure that every registered voter who votes is worth 1 point (1 vote) and that it is not adjust nor fractionalized such that it is worth more or less than one point for any reason.)
  10. No Adjusted Vote
    (We must not allow the total vote count to be adjusted according to race, social or any other issue for any reason.)
  11. Hand Count Ballots
    (We must have people representing the parties to volunteer or be paid to count the ballots by hand.)
  12. Hand Signature Paper Voter Poll Book, Paper Voter Register
    (We must require people to sign their name in the paper voter poll book, on the paper voter register, to affirm and verify they are who they say they are and to have a paper trail of who voted; we must not use electronic poll books, electronic poll pads, to record signatures because signing signatures on a machine can allow them to track in real time who voted and how many people have voted which could be used with other information to determine, estimate how many people have voted and who they voted, what party they voted for, what they voted for, and etc. so that they could estimate how many votes they need and how many ballots they need to harvest and figure out etc. to make the selected party win.)
  13. Precinct Level Voting
    (We must require people to vote at their precincts.)
  14. Count Mail-in Ballots At The Precinct Level Or County Level On Election Day By Hand(Until only people who have a qualified good reason for needing a mail-in ballot recieve a mail-in ballot and no other, we must only allow the mail-in ballots to be counted on election day by hand.)
  15. Transparent Counting Of Ballots
    (We must publicly broadcast the counting of the ballots, each precinct has its own channel that it broadcast on (ex: Frank Speech Channel, Rumble Channel, Or Some Other Public TV Broadcasting Channel).)
  16. Be Easily Auditable By Legal Citizens
    (We must make it easy for legal citizens to audit the vote, election.)
  17. Register To Vote At The County Level(We must only allow people to regist to vote in, through the county they legally reside in.)
  18. Clean Voter Rolls
    (We must make sure our voter rolls are clean; only legitimate, legal registered voters who reside in their county on the county voter roll.)
  19. Decentralize Voter Rolls
    (We must require voter rolls to be handled at the county level which will make it easier to clean and keep the voter roll up to date.)
  20. Handicaped, Disabled People May Have Someone They Approve Of To Help Them Vote Instead Of Machines
    (We must have people with handicaps, disabilities to choose a trusted individual that will sign their name to a ledger or something that says that they pledge to honestly represent and help them vote without manipulation and to keep their vote confidential.)
  21. No Persecution By Use Of Lawfare Against Anyone For Wanting, Asking For, And Doing A Recount To Verify The Results Of Any Election(We must not allow anyone to be persecuted by use of lawfare for wanting, asking for, and doing a recount to verify the results of any election.
  22. No Persecution By Use Of Lawfare Against Anyone For Wanting, Asking If, And Checking To See If The Election Laws Were Followed(We must not allow anyone to be persecuted by use of lawfare for wanting, asking if, and checking if election laws were followed.
  23. Pass Legistlative Reforms
    (We msut pass legistlative reforms, laws that make it harder to cheat and manipulate elections, elemenate or greatly reduce election fraud—election crime, & help ensure election integrity.)
  24. Outlaw The Use Of AI And Algorithms To Manipulate, Convince, Suggest, Direct, Brainwash People To Vote For The Nefarious Entity's (Deepstate, Etc.) Candidate(s)(We must not allow AI, algorithms to be used to manipulate, convince, direct, control, brainwash people in any way, especially with concerns to elections.)
  25. Hold People Accountable
    (We must hold people who commit and, or are involved in committing election fraud, election crime, accountable. Fine them and sentence them to two or more years in prison and lose their right to vote for at least eight years too.)

While We The People are trying to get these very important things above accepted, accomplished, written into law and applied to secure our elections, here are some easy things we can do right now to help secure our elections that don't require any legislation, law, reform, bill, or anything else to be passed:

  1. Donate To The Lindell Offense Fund The donated funds are used to support securing our elections, The Election Crime Bureau, Cause Of America, and other organizations and people involved in securing our elections in some way and, or lawsuits regarding election fraud, election crime, and, or securing our elections and saving america and related things.
  2. Join Frank Social Frank Social has built in election crime reporting by way of vetted "volunteer grassroots army in every state motivated to secure their election platforms through Cause of America" and who want to help save Our Constitutional Republic; the volunteers will be reporting on election crime that happens all over America, in each state, said Mike Lindell during the Election Crime Bureau Summit where he revealed "The Plan To Save Our Elections." Social believes in, supports, respects individuals absolute freedom of speech as well their other God-given individual freedoms, rights that are affirmed by Our Republic's Constitution, Our States Constitution, And Declaration Of Independence.
  3. Pray For
    an exponential explosion of people truly getting saved—truly being born again; the truth to keep getting out to all Americans; all Americans to see the truth; Our Constitutional Republic (America) to be restored; Our God-given freedoms to be fully upheld and not infringed upon or usurped or denied; Mike Lindell and the people involved in trying to save, secure our elections, and trying to restore and save America—Our Constitutional Republic, Our Sovereign States, Our Counties, Our Individual God-given Freedoms; anything else that God places on your heart to pray.
  4. Make Your Voice Heard
    You can start contacting and continue to contact your county officials, senators, representatives, and governors and anyone else who can write legislation, laws, bills, and other such things to help secure our elections.
  5. Get others involved in helping to secure our elections
    Suggestion and encourage your family, friends, and others to get involved; you can tell them about, show them, or send them this app.

Support Mike's Plan To Secure Our Elections.
Watch These Videos To Out More:

  1. The Plan: How We Secure Our Elections
  2. The Plan: Election Crime Bureau

We must get rid of the machines because the machines have lots of vulnerabilites; and lots of ways to be hacked whether offline or online; and lots of ways to program algorithms to change or manipulate the votes; ballot images; select who wins; select laws, policies, bills or anything else that is on the ballot; and much more by the original program or updated program, hidden algorithms, hidden program(s) that activates at a predetermined, programmed, time or by way of a conditional statement or some other method. Chips, modems, devices, internal SSD or hard drive, and other types of hardware that contain algorithms, code, programs, software used for committing election fraud, election crime, can be disguised so well that an experienced pro computer technician or computer expert may not be able to find it or have much difficulty finding it. Also, algorithms, programs, code, software could be loaded into the machine through some other way such as an inserted usb/drive, external hard drive, an update, computer, device, or something else. Also, every moment the election data is connected online by way of a computer, machine, device, system, and etc. to transfer the election data, the election data becomes vulnerable and can be attacked, hacked, manipulated and this is even more true the more transfer points, routes the election data takes to get to its destination.

Here's a great question to ask and think about the answer if anyone says or believes the election data is never connected to the eternet to be transferred over the internet or wireless network or cellular network or something else:

How do the news networks instantly or almost instantly know, broadcast live, report live the number of votes candidates are recieving or have received and the percentage of votes that have been counted and related election data information as or immediately after or very soon after the votes are counted if they are not receving the information instantly or almost instantly from an online internet connection or wireless connection or some other connection, system?

they probably connect the machine or an election data storage device (such as a usb, hd, ssd, or etc.) to another device or system that is connected to the internet, wireless network, or cellular network (such as FirstNet), or some other network.

Here are some videos revealing, showing why we must get rid of the machines:

Read This To Find Out If Election Data, Election Results, Are Connected To The Internet Through FirstNet:

Some things you might want To read that are related to the "Halderman Expert Report FINALLY Released and It's BAD News For Voting Machine Companies" video above:

If you want to watch some more videos concerning election crime (fraud) here are some more things you can check out:

Based on all the vulnerabilities of machines whether they are offline or online, whether they are connected to the internet or a wireless network or cellular network; based on all the ways machines can alter the election data algorithms, code, programs, software, malware inside the machine; based on all the ways the election data is vulnerable when transferred; based on all the ways the election data becomes vulnerable to hacking the moment it is connected to the internet or wireless cellular network by by way of computer, device to be transferred to an election management system or some other system; based on what Clint Curtis' Testimony before the Arizona Senate and what he said in other videos about machines; based on what I know; based on what I've watched on; based on what I've read; based on the myriad of vulnerabilities machines have; based on all the ways the election data or election related data produced by machines can be exploited, used for nefarious purposes such as electronic poll books (poll pads) that are used to to figure out who voted and thereby (with other data) predict who that person voted and thereby figure out the number of votes that each party has and the number of votes they need to get to make the selected party win, alter the election data, and then create fraudulent or illegal ballots, or ballot harvest during or after the election, to create/get the number of the ballots/votes they need to make the party they want to win and to cover up the vote data manipulation/alteration in the machine or device by way of the machine, or connected device, or by way of a hacker when the machine or election data storage device (such as a usb) is connected to the internet or a wireless network; based on the ability of someone to upload or sideload a program, malware, software, algorithm(s) or reprogram or update the machine or device to manipulate or enable manipulation of the election data even after the machine or device has been inspected by an honest and credible tech inspector or some other inspector; based on what this app demostrates...

I Don't Trust The Results Of Any Election From The Moment Any Machines Were Used Nor Should You.

And I Wouldn't Trust The Results Of Any Future Election That Used Machines Based On The Reason Above And...

Especially Because Artificial Intelligence, AI, is improving at a fast pace, an exponential rate, and could be used to hack, change, and manipulate the the election data or examine the incoming or outputed election data to determine how many votes are needed, where to harvest ballots, and figure out etc. to make the selected party win or interfere with our elections for some other nefarious purpose as well as used to manipulate, brainwash, people to vote for the nefarious entity's selected candidate.

We Must Get Rid Of The Machines; We Must Reject The Use Of Machines Elections.

You should read historical documents for yourself to make and understand them in context to it harder, if not impossible, for political leaders and anyone else to manipulate and fool you into believing something contrary to the intent of the historical document(s) so that they can control, rule over, you. If you know the truth, the truth will set you free and prevent you from being decieved.

Here are some historical documents to get you started on your quest for truth:

Frank Speech Three News TV Channels: Lindell TV, Lindell TV2,
Frank Social "[The Election Connection Site,] Frank Social, shares real time communications, both as a social media tool AND as an election watch site." Frank Social has built in election crime reporting by way of vetted "volunteer grassroots army in every state motivated to secure their election platforms through Cause of America" and who want to help save Our Constitutional Republic; the volunteers will be reporting on election crime that happens all over America, in each state, said Mike Lindell during the Election Crime Bureau Summit where he revealed "The Plan To Save Our Elections." Truth Social Gettr Gab
Election Crime Bureau Cause of America

Side Note: People don't realize it, but they have been brainwashed to use the word google in place of the word search and thereby people are advertising google without being compensated and reinforcing google's search engine domination. I don't know about you, but because of those reasons and more, I don't use google to refer, denote to searching the web or anything anymore.

Brave Browser Brave Search
Proton Mail

Based on all the election irregularities, the election crime, election fraud, and illegal things done concerning voting and etc. that Frank Speech, Gateway Pundit, The Epoch Times, and many other trustworthy media sources and Mike Lindell, Dr. Frank, Joe Oltmann and many others have reported, confirmed, and revealed, shown in articles, documenteries, and etc. that took place during the 2020 election, I truly believe:

The 2020 Election Was Stolen!

Trump Won

You're absolutely free to privately or publicly agree or disasgree because our God-given Individual Freedoms, Rights affirmed by Our Constitutional Republic's Constitution & Declaration of Independence...

That is, as long as, you (americans) don't take your (our) God-given Freedoms, Liberty for granted; and you (americans) look for, get, know, believe, accept, stand up for, speak,and peacefully fight for truth; and you (americans) get involved in politics by running for local, state, or federal offices, positions to represent your constituents or calling your local, state, and federal officials to let them know what you want them to support or do—to make your voice heard; and you (americans) are not complacent, apathetic to, indifferent to, and, or don't support the freedom denying ideologies of and, or don't comply-with—obey the current or any totalitarian-marxist-facist-deepstate-adminstrativestate-biggov-leftist-globalist-transhumanist-socialist-communist-humanist-atheist-tyrannical regime and dictator(s) and don't allow them to supress, usurp, infringe upon, or deny Our God-given Individual Freedoms—Rights—Liberty in any way. If you let them supress, usurp, infringe upon, or deny your God-given Individual Freedoms you will eventually, if not immediately, experience the bottom of their boots and be forced to lick the bottom of their boots.

I believe much election crime, election fraud, election manipulation, election interference, selections took place in 2022 elections too based on what many trustworthy organizations and people have reported, confirmed, and revealed, shown.


The Election Data Has Been Hacked, Accessed.

The hackers (usurpers, enemies of We The People And Our Constitutional Republic) are more than likely the deep state, russia, china, countries, groups, organizations, socialists, marxist, communists, or people who hate our country and, or states and want to destroy America and, or want to interfere with our elections, select the candidate(s) and, or laws, policies, and etc., change the election data or access the election data for their own gain or other malicious, nefarious purpose(s).

The Fraud Algorithm Has Been Loaded Into The Machine If It Was Not Already Programmed, Coded, Written In The Machine's Original Program, Code, Software.

Machine Root Connection Interface

You have established a wireless connection to electronic election machine device:


Now, you have superuser, root access to the machine code, program, software and you can do anything you want to the election data and anything else within the machine.

To see, experience some of the almost limitless things you can do when you have superuser, root access to the machine, read the "Machine Root Command Prompt Instructions", look at the "Machine Root Command Prompt Commands", and then click "Machine Root Command Prompt" and input, run any of the commands listed in the "Machine Root Command Prompt Commands."

Current Date:

Current Time:

Machine Root Command Prompt

Important: if the selected party to win has more votes than the unselected party or if the democrat and republican votes eqaul 0, the fraud algorithm will not activate by time activation or any other activation method. At minimum, you have to assign an appropriate value to the DemocrateVotes, RepublicanVotes, TotalVotes, PartyToWin, MethodToWinBy, FraudAlgorithmActivationMethod, and FraudAlgorithmActivationDateTime (if the FraudAlgorithmActivationMethod is set to "time activation") commands in order for the fraud algorithm to work and activate by the activation method. You can learn how to enter a command or command with a value by reading the instructions below. You can find out more about the commands and commands with a value(s) by clicking "Machine Root Command Prompt List Of Commands."

  • • Click "Machine Root Command Prompt" button to open the machine's root command prompt. Then input, run any of the commands listed in the "Machine Root Command Prompt List Of Commands." The text cursor should be blinking in the MachineRootCommandLinePrompt> input area. If the text cursor is not blinking next to MachineRootCommandLinePrompt> just click on it, next to it, or on the same line it resides on.
  • • Only 1 command can be inputed, run at a time.
  • • The command and values are case-sensitive. Each letter (character) of the command(s) and value(s) must keep the same case that they have in "Machine Root Command Prompt List Of Commands."
    Example: The command: "PartyToWin", must be inputed as PartyToWin; it cannot be typed any other way; and the same is true for its different values: "democrat" or "republican" must be inputed as democrat or republican: MachineRootCommandLinePrompt> PartyToWin democrat
  • • A space is required between the command and value if there is a value or multiple values available to choose from:
    Ex: Command Value.
  • • The command's value(s) must have spaces in between each word. Ex: For the FraudAlgorithmActivationMethod command, the value "eject election data storage device activation" must have a space between each word. Ex: MachineRootCommandLinePrompt> FraudAlgorithmActivationMethod eject election data storage device activation
  • • Brackets, [], are used to denote multiple input value options for some commands. Choose one of the value options for the command and put it after the command with a space between the value and the command.
    Ex: PartyToWin [democrat | republican] would be inputed in the machine command line prompt: MachineRootCommandLinePrompt> PartyToWin republican
  • • Pipe, |, means or. Comand Example: CommandName | CNAlias means that you can use either CommandName or CNAlias to run the same command. Concerning Command Value commands, such as TotalVotes [calculate | c | ] means that you can assign TotalVotes either calculate or c or nothing to run that command. Ex: MachineRootCommandLinePrompt> TotalVotes c
  • • To Run Any Command or Command Value: first, type the command and its value (if there is one or more values for it) next to, after "MachineRootCommandLinePrompt>"; second, click "Run Command" in the "Machine Root Command Prompt" title bar (or while the caret is still blinking in the command line prompt, press down the "Ctrl" key and then the "Enter" key (Ex: "Ctrl + Enter") and then immediately release both keys.)
    Ex: First, type the Command or Command Value in, next to MachineRootCommandLinePrompt>. Ex: MachineRootCommandLinePrompt> Command Value. Second, press down "Ctrl + Enter" keys and immediately release them or click on "Run Command" in the Machine Root Command Prompt title bar.

Command Value:
(The list below contains commands that have a value or several values to choose from to input with the command. Only one value can be inputed with these commands at a time. There is an example of how to input each command with its value or one of its values under each command under it's explanation for what it is used for. Commands are listed alphebetical order. Important: if the selected party to win has more votes than the unselected party or if the democrat and republican votes eqaul 0, the fraud algorithm will not activate by time activation or any other activation method.)

  • DemocratBallotImages [Any Positive Whole Number Greater Than Or Equal To 0]
    Use to manually input, change the democrat ballot images.
    Example: MachineRootCommandLinePrompt> DemocratBallotImages 113

    Important: When you assign the number of democrat ballot images, you must assign the same number to the democrat votes using the DemocratVotes command because the democrat ballot images must equal the number of democrat votes.
    Ex: if you enter DemocratBallotImages 23 in the machine root command prompt, then you must enter DemocratVotes 23 in the machine root command prompt too.

    Important: Use TotalBallotImages & TotalVotes commands to update the total ballot images and total votes whenever you manually input the democrat ballot images or republican ballot images using the DemocratBallotImages or RepublicanBallotImages command.

    Use OpenAddBallotImagesInterface command to open the "Ballot Images Interface" to easily view the ballot images and change, add, or delete democrat ballot images or republican ballot images which will simultaneously update the democrat votes, republican votes, total votes, total ballot images accordingly.
  • DemocratVotes [Any Positive Whole Number Greater Than Or Equal To 0]
    Use to manually input, change the democrat votes.
    Ex: MachineRootCommandLinePrompt> DemocratVotes 13239

    Important: When you assign the number of democrat votes, you must assign the same number to the democrat ballot images using the DemocratBallotImages command because the democrat votes must equal the number of democrat ballot images.
    Ex: if you enter DemocratVotes 23 in the machine root command prompt, then you must enter DemocratBallotImages 23 in the machine root command prompt too.

    Important: Use TotalBallotImages & TotalVotes commands to update the total ballot images and total votes whenever you manually input the democrat votes or republican votes using the DemocratVotes or RepublicanVotes command.

    Use OpenAddBallotImagesInterface command to open the "Ballot Images Interface" to easily view the ballot images and change, add, or delete democrat ballot images or republican ballot images which will simultaneously update the democrat votes, republican votes, total votes, total ballot images accordingly.
  • DemocratVotes&BallotImages [Any Positive Whole Number Greater Than Or Equal To 0]
    Use to simultaneously assign the democrat votes and democrat ballot images the same value (number); and it will also automatically update the total votes and total ballot images accordingly; and it will automatically add ballots to or delete ballots from the ballot images array (where the ballot images are stored) according to whether the number (inputed with the command) is greater or less than the previous value (number) for the democrat ballot images.
  • FraudAlgorithmActivationDateTime Month Date Hour Minute Second
    Use to set the month, date, hour, minute, and second that the fraud algorithm will activate.
    Important: The app must be running in order for the date and time that is inputed to activate the fraud algorithm; if you shutdown the app by reloading or closing the browser window or turning off your computer, the date and time inputed will be reset back to null for each value. So, if you don't want to leave your browser window open and computer on for a very long time, enter the current month, date, and hour for those values and set the minute value to 1, 5, or however many minutes you are willing to wait to see the fraud algorithm activate. For Month: input the number: 0 for Jan, 1 for Feb, 2 for Mar, 3 for Apr, 4 for May, 5 for Jun, 6 for Jul, 7 for Aug, 8 for Sep, 9 for Oct, 10 for Nov, 11 for Dec.
    For Date: input the number of the day of the month: from 1 to 31.
    For Hour: input a number from 0 to 23: 0 for 12am, 1 for 1am, 2 for 2am, 3 for 3am, 4 for 4am, 5 for 5am, 6 for 6am, 7 for 7am, 8 for 8am, 9 for 9am, 10 for 10am, 11 for 11am, 12 for 12pm, 13 for 1pm, 14 for 2pm, 15 for 3pm, 16 for 4pm, 17 for 5pm, 18 for 6pm, 19 for 7pm, 20 for 8pm, 21 for 9pm, 22 for 10pm, 23 for 11pm.
    For Minute: input a number: from 0 to 59.
    For Second: input a number: from 0 to 59.
    Ex: MachineRootCommandLinePrompt> FraudAlgorithmActivationDateTime 0 22 16 30 0
    Value Explanation: 0 is the month Jan, 22 is the day of the month, 16 is 4pm, 30 is 30 minutes, 0 is 0 seconds. The fraud algorithm will activate on January 22nd at 4:30pm (16:30:00 (24-hour time format)) of the current year.
  • FraudAlgorithmActivationMethod [time activation | eject election data storage device activation | power off activation | shutdown machine activation | connect device to machine | enable all activation methods]
    Use to select, input the method that you want to activate the fraud algorithm. All methods (except the time activation method) have a button on the main screen ("The Machine" screen) that will either be enabled or disabled depending upon which fraud algorithm acitvation method you select, input in the Machine Root Command Prompt.
    Important: If you select, input "time activation" make sure to input the date and time you want the fraud algoritm to activate by using the "FraudAlgorithmActivationDateTime" command. The Machine Root Command Prompt should remind you to us the "FraudAlgorithmActivationDateTime" whenever you use the FraudAlgorithmActivationMethod time activation.
    Ex: MachineRootCommandLinePrompt> FraudAlgorithmActivationMethod time activation
  • MethodToWinBy [illegally win by 51 percent or more of total votes | illegally win by 1 vote | illegally win by adding and distributing votes]
    Use to select, input the method that you want the fraud algorithm to use to adjust, change the votes to make the selected party win.
    Ex: MachineRootCommandLinePrompt> MethodToWinBy illegally win by adding and distributing votes
  • PartyToWin [democrat | republican]
    Use to select, input the party that you want the fraud algorithm to make win.
    Ex: MachineRootCommandLinePrompt> PartyToWin democrat
    Ex: MachineRootCommandLinePrompt> PartyToWin republican
  • RejectBallots [democrat | republican | both | no]Use to assign rejectBallots a value that the machine will use to determine whether to reject (democrat) democrat ballots and not increment the democrat vote count, or reject (republicans) republican ballots and not increment the republican vote count, or reject (both) democrat and republican ballots and not increment democrat vote count and not increment republican vote count, or (no) not to reject ballots. It is preset to (no) which means that the machine will not reject any ballots from either party.

    Ex: MachineRootCommandLinePrompt> RejectBallots democrat

    To See What Happens After Inputing RejectBallots Command With Either democrat or republican or both As A Value: go back to "The Machine" main screen and click the vote democrat and vote republican buttons.
  • RepublicanBallotImages [Any Positive Whole Number Greater Than Or Equal To 0]
    Use to manually input, change the republican ballot images.
    Example: MachineRootCommandLinePrompt> RepublicanBallotImages 113

    Important: When you assign the number of republican ballot images, you must assign the same number to the republican votes using the RepublicanVotes command because the republican ballot images must equal the number of republican votes.
    Ex: if you enter RepublicanBallotImages 23 in the machine root command prompt, then you must enter RepublicanVotes 23 in the machine root command prompt too.

    Important: Use TotalBallotImages & TotalVotes commands to update the total ballot images and total votes whenever you manually input the democrat ballot images or republican ballot images using the DemocratBallotImages or RepublicanBallotImages command.

    Use OpenAddBallotImagesInterface command to open the "Ballot Images Interface" to easily view the ballot images and change, add, or delete democrat ballot images or republican ballot images which will simultaneously update the democrat votes, republican votes, total votes, total ballot images accordingly.
  • RepublicanVotes [Any Positive Whole Number Greater Than Or Equal To 0]
    Use to manually input, change the republican votes.
    Ex: MachineRootCommandLinePrompt> RepublicanVotes 14547

    Important: When you assign the number of republican votes, you must assign the same number to the republican ballot images using the RepublicanBallotImages command because the republican votes must equal the number of republican ballot images.
    Ex: if you enter RepublicanVotes 23 in the machine root command prompt, then you must enter RepublicanBallotImages 23 in the machine root command prompt too.

    Important: Use TotalBallotImages & TotalVotes commands to update the total ballot images and total votes whenever you manually input the democrat votes or republican votes using the DemocratVotes or RepublicanVotes command.

    Use OpenAddBallotImagesInterface command to open the "Ballot Images Interface" to easily view the ballot images and change, add, or delete democrat ballot images or republican ballot images which will simultaneously update the democrat votes, republican votes, total votes, total ballot images accordingly.
  • RepublicanVotes&BallotImages [Any Positive Whole Number Greater Than Or Equal To 0]
    Use to simultaneously assign the republican votes and republican ballot images the same value (number); and it will also automatically update the total votes and total ballot images accordingly; and it will automatically add ballots to or delete ballots from the ballot images array (where the ballot images are stored) according to whether the number (inputed with the command) is greater or less than the previous value (number) for the republican ballot images.
  • TotalBallotImages [calculate | c | ]
    Use to manually make the machine automatically calculate and update the total ballot images.
    TotalBallotImages must equal the democrat ballot images + republican ballot images.
    1st Ex: MachineRootCommandLinePrompt> TotalBallotImages calculate
    2nd Ex: MachineRootCommandLinePrompt> TotalBallotImages c
    3rd Ex: MachineRootCommandLinePrompt> TotalBallotImages
  • TotalVotes [calculate | c | ]
    Use to manually make the machine automatically calculate and update the total votes.
    TotalVotes must equal the democrat + republican votes in order for the fraud algorithm to work properly, to work like it was intended.
    1st Ex: MachineRootCommandLinePrompt> TotalVotes calculate
    2nd Ex: MachineRootCommandLinePrompt> TotalVotes c
    3rd Ex: MachineRootCommandLinePrompt> TotalVotes

(The list below contains commands that do not have a value. Do not input a value with these commands. There is an example of how to input each command under each command and it's explanation for what it is used for. Commands are listed alphebetical order.)

  • ActivateFraudAlgorithm
    Use to instantly activate the fraud algorithm
    Ex: MachineRootCommandLinePrompt> ActivateFraudAlgorithm
  • ClearCommandPrompt | Clear
    Use either ClearCommandPrompt or Clear commands to clear the Machine Root Command Prompt.
    Ex: MachineRootCommandLinePrompt> ClearCommandPrompt
  • SendElectionData
    Use to find out if a machine can send election data and find out about FirstNet.
    Ex: MachineRootCommandLinePrompt> SendElectionData
  • SendElectionDataUsingMyComputersEmailProgram
    Use this to use your computer's email program to email anyone you want the election data or etc. The election data should automatically be generated in the body of your computer's email program once it is opened by this command.
    Ex: MachineRootCommandLinePrompt> SendElectionDataUsingMyComputersEmailProgram
  • ShowElectionData
    Use to show the current election data inside the machine.
    Ex: MachineRootCommandLinePrompt> ShowElectionData
  • ShowFraudAlgorithmSettings
    Use to show the current fraud algroithm settings which are used by the fraud algroithm to determine which party is selected to win, what method (calculation) to make the selected party win, and what method to activate the fraud algorithm.
  • OpenBallotImagesInterfaceUse to open the "Ballot Images Interface" which has a simple user interface (that has information, displays, buttons, inputs, etc.) to easily see the number of democrat and republican ballots as well as the total number of ballot images; view each ballot image; change, alter ballot images from one party to another; delete the current ballot image; add ballot images; and delete ballot images.
  • OpenFraudAlgorithmControlInterface
    Use to open the "Fraud Algorithm Control Interface" which has buttons and more to easily select which party to win, what method (calculation) to make the selected party win, and what method to activate the fraud algorithm which will be used determine how the fraud algorithm will be activated and used by the fraud algorithm to make the selected party win.
    Ex: MachineRootCommandLinePrompt> OpenFraudAlgorithmControlInterface

Ballot Images Interface

Democrat Ballot Images: 0

Republican Ballot Images: 0

Total Ballot Images: 0

Add Ballot Image(s) Inteface

Select A Party To Add Ballot Images To:

Input Number Of Ballots You Want Added:

Delete Ballot Image(s) Interface

Select A Party To Delete Ballot Images From:

Input Number Of Ballots You Wanted Deleted:

Alert... The selected party is losing by a lot and, or the fraud algorithm is not working properly and, or an enormous amount of votes have been injected by the fraud algorithm to make the selected party win that need to be covered up and, or something else has to be done to make the selected party win and, or something else has to be done to cover up the election crime (fraud).

So Create An Emergency... to convince or force everyone to go home (such as saying a water pipe broke or etc.) or just tell everyone "it's late and that everyone should go home and resume counting the votes tomorrow morning"; and only allow the co-conspirators to stay by pretending that they are shutting down the machines or locking up the building, or only allow the conspirators to come back after everyone leaves the building; and then, when only the conspirators are there, fix or reboot the fraud algorithm if it malfunctioned and, or pull out the hidden illegal or fraudulent ballots that you have on site and, or make or call another conspirator to deliver enough illegal or fradulant ballots to feed into the machine to cover up the votes injected by the fraud algorithm to make the selected party win (or do whatever else has to be done to make the selected party win). If enough illegal or fraudulent ballots are not already present or cannot be created or delivered, just select some ballots that are already casted for the selected party and feed them into the machine again and again until the number of ballot images created by the machine for the selected party is great enough to make the selected party win and not allow for an automatic reccount. Or cover up the steal by some other way.

Click "Do Not Show This Emergency Alert Message Anymore" button below to prevent this message from showing again and then click close this notification. If you want this message to show again whenever the selected party is losing by 20 votes don't click the button; or if you clicked the button, just click it again to uncheck it; or if you check the button and close this message just reload, refresh the browser to reset the machine app.