I hope you're having a great day, and if not, I hope your day starts going very well from this moment onward. : )
Before you skim or completely read through my portfolio please read this...
I want to let you know that I've been doing my best to teach myself HTML,
CSS, and JavaScript (the core of front-end web development), and started
diving into React by reading, watching, and doing the free tutorials on
W3Schools, Codecademy, Freecodecamp, Reactjs, and other sites.
I've been using a little command line to move back and forth between my
files, make directories, and copy or delete files with regards to my
website's files and related files to see if I could do it (by referring
to Computer Hope and the help command).
I'm not a pro yet, But I Believe I Know Enough To Be An Asset To Any Company, Team, Or Individual Who Will Open The Door For Me.
I will do my best to do great work for whoever hires me.
I'm sure my coding efficiency, speed, and abilities will increase as I work with you.
Improve more, I will.
And the more I improve, the greater asset I will be to you.
I'm interested in:
I Am Open To:
Click here to see my Free Code Camp Profile.
Check It Out Here:
The BBQ Shack of Fanning Springs, Florida
I did my best to write semantically correct local search engine optimized html
code and content for it.
I didn't have photshop, so I downloaded Krita (free drawing software) and
quickly learned just what I needed to modify the image I pulled from the
restaurant's facebook page to make the background image as well as the clickable "Shack"
image at the top-right corner of the website for the mobile version of the
main navigation, menu.
Check It Out Here:
Noel Bray
I improved the HTML, CSS, and JS code for noelbray.com after learning more about those languages and reinforcing what I've already learned about them.
I'm sure as I learn more and continue improving, I'll be able to
improve my website even more (There's always room for improvement).
Even so,
Here are some improvements I made:
Check It Out Here:
Play Tic Tac Toe,
Wether X or O,
Get 3 In A Row,
And Winner Reward Will Show.
After completing the React Tic Tac Toe Tutorial using creat-react-app, I did the Extra Improvements, Challenges at the end:
- Display the location for each move in the format (col, row) in the move history list,
- Bold the currently selected item in the move list,
- Rewrite Board to use two loops to make the squares instead of hardcoding them,
- Add a toggle button that lets you sort the moves in either ascending or descending order,
- When someone wins, highlight the three squares that caused the win,
- When no one wins, display a message about the result being a draw,
I made up some of my own challenges, improvements for the Tic Tac Toe React App:
I took any free course related to front-end web development that was available.
And during any Pro free trial, I did my best to complete as much of each course
that wasn't availble in the free courses when I took them.
I got fifty-seven percent of the way through the Web Devlopment career path.
I would've completed more if I had the money too purchase
the Pro-plan for the Web Development Path.
You can checkout the tutorials and etc. I completed by clicking the link to
Noel Bray's Codecademy profile page.
I don't exactly know what power level I'm at for each these languages below, but I know, at the very least, the fundamentals of:
I haven't learned and memorized everything in HTML, CSS, JS, and React but I can crawl the web and hunt for the prey I want and consume it.
I am sure I can learn Git, Bash, and anything else needed for accomplishing a task.
If you hire me and want me to learn another coding language, I will do my best to
learn it as quickly as possible.
I believe I'm a well rounded person, personality but I'm not perfect by
any means and nor will I ever claim to be.
But I strive to do my best.
Some Ongoing Objectives:
Some Achieved Objectives:
Until I learned that I didn't have to memorize everything concerning
code, my learning speed was greatly reduced, but after taking
many tutorials, watching some videos, and reading articles, I learned that
you don't have to remember everything...
Whew, what a relief, especially since I was trying to force my mind to
remember absolutely everything regarding HTML, CSS, JS, Reactjs, and any
other code or etc. I was diving into which was stressing me out.
My inner bloodhound has become a better hunter in hunting down information to help me write code and find solutions; and he will continue to get better... Howoooo!
The sound of my fingers clapping the keyboard is very pleasing to me, I like to
code... Yes siree. But, I don't like any type of bugs infesting my code, but it feels
great when I figure out how to get rid of them.
I like to exercise.
I like to swim, especially in clear cool springs;
I like being active.
I like being around people, but sometimes I like moments to myself too.
I love everyone.
I like learning and improving.
If you have any questions, suggestions of what I should learn based on what you think I would be able to learn and get good at, or would like to know more about me, feel free to send me an email or call me. 🙂